Music Fun with Kari at Home on Fridays
heart of the child music education – teaching the heart with music

Kari’s welcoming attitude helps adults and children build a sense of community while they gather on the rug for fingerplays and lap bouncing games, play with rhythm instruments, jump, crawl, and swing, wave scarves to choreographed dances, and freeform jam with a menagerie of instruments. It feels so good to be in class, children don’t even notice that they are building the foundational skills for making music together the rest of their lives.
HCME has been literally raising Floyd County children with its Social and Emotional Learning based music program since it began. It still serves Floyd’s youngest members (birth to 5 years old) while watching its first students graduate from high school. One high school senior recently told Kari, “I don’t remember much about preschool, but I remember your music!”
Heart of the Child Music students consistently pursue music creation as they get older, fed by the love of music that HCME nurtures in them in their early years. They go on to participate in programs such as the Floyd JAMs Program and Music Lab Floyd; they pursue private lessons, and they form their own bands, such as The Wildmans, Attak, and Subject to Demolition.